In response to the Coronavirus, we have put further measures in place to ensure we keep our bowling centre even cleaner and even safer for our customers. These are some of the things we have been doing since you last saw us.
NEW Plastic screens organised at reception counter, the bar and our Kitchen 22 diner.
Special cleaning routines. In between groups of bowlers bowling on a lane and before a new group starts, our staff will clean the whole seating area, the controls for the scoring, the bowling balls, etc. to ensure all of this is clean and disinfected with the “electrostatic spray equipment” mentioned above for the next group of bowlers. We also have a thorough regime of cleaning the house bowling balls and the finger holes in particular.
If you have any concerns or issues with how we keep things clean and sanitised, please contact the centre.
You can also find further safety arrangements when you arrive at our bowling centre.
You will see our staff regularly walk around our bowling centre with both the handheld and backpack versions of this equipment to regularly clean the loos, seating areas, controls, bowling balls, bowling shoes, etc.
This state of the art, high-tech equipment electrically charges the disinfectant spray and as a result the spray not only spreads wide and far, the electric charge also ensures the spray wraps itself around objects and seeks out creases, cracks, crevices and holes (like the three holes you have in a bowling ball), and then the spray really sticks to this surface . This ensures that the surface is completely disinfected, and ready to use.
*GObowling is normally very busy in the evenings, on weekends and during school holidays.
Please call and book in advance – 01582 472727
** We reserve the right to close earlier than the posted times, as well as making changes to the opening hours on short notice.
Please double check our opening hours before you visit.